Darth Vader's 10 Most Impressive Kills In Marvel Comics

3. The King Of Shu-Torun Became One Of Vader's Most Iconic Victims

Darth Vader Best Kills
Marvel Comics

Some people may regard this entry as a bit of a cheat, as the Shu-Torun King was killed by assassins and not Darth Vader himself. However, although Vader's hand may not have been on the knife, the King of Shu-Torun's demise was every bit his responsibility.

Charged by Palpatine with taking care of the leader of the rogue planet of Shu-Torun - and installing a more amenable puppet on the throne - Vader pulled off both tasks with aplomb. Vader knew he would be public enemy #1 the moment he set foot on Shu-Torun, and used that fact to draw all attention to himself so his assassins could infiltrate the throne room and dispose of the king.

Vader then followed up his regicidal act with one of the coldest moments in Star Wars history. After placing the king's cowering daughter on the throne, Vader left her with a parting gift - a chunk of space rock. Said rock was all that remained of Alderaan, the last planet that tried to rebel against the Empire. This shook the young queen so much she remained loyal to the Empire until her dying breath, even betraying Princess Leia in a later story.

Most of Vader's impressive moments come from displays of raw power but the events of Shu-Torun showed that, underneath the colossal armour and burning fury, he still maintained the keen tactical brain that elevated him to a General in the Clone Wars.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.