Every Character Who Lifted Thor's Hammer Mjolnir
6. The Hulk
It probably goes without saying, but The Hulk has never really wielded Mjolnir in the same way folks like Thor or Jane Foster have. Although a good guy, he is far from worthy, plus it's always hilarious to watch The Hulk try and fail to lift a hammer that's barely even the size of his hand.
However, there was one time he came real close by exploiting a loophole. When the Avengers took on Thanos in the pages of Avengers Assemble, Thanos occupied Thor by mind controlling Hulk and having him attack the Asgardian. When Thor went to strike Hulk with Mjolnir, The Hulk managed to briefly deflect Mjolnir right back into Thor's face.
Granted, this isn't really wielding it, but the fact that few if anyone have actually managed to not only block but divert the swing of Mjolnir back onto Thor is quite the accomplishment on its own.
How did he even do this, you ask? Simple, Thor was still holding Mjolnir, so Mjolnir's weight isn't quintupled like it is when someone unworthy tries to grab it. It becomes a simple matter of deflecting the blow at that point.