Injustice 2: 10 Characters That Should've Been Included

2. Vixen

Vixen DC Rebirth
DC Comics

Oh NetherRealm, what were you thinking?

It's bad enough that John Stewart got the alternate costume treatment again, but now poor Mari has suffered the same fate, as a skin for Cheetah no less. By all means, Minerva wasn't a bad choice for the game, but anything she can do Vixen can do better. Ten times better. Like, so much better. God.

Vixen's connection to the 'Red' gives her the ability to take on the strength of the animal kingdom, meaning that not only does she have Cheetah beat when it comes to agility and strength, she's got a whole lot more to offer gameplay wise as well. Couple that with a devoted fan following and a resurgent presence on and off the screen, and you've got a fighter that should - ideally - have been a no-brainer to include.

And no, the 'premier skin' isn't enough. A character of this stature deserves so much better.

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Injustice 2
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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.