JLA - Tower Of Babel: The Full Story

1. The Decision

Tower of Babel
DC Comics


After all of Ra’s al Ghul’s forces were defeated and jailed and Batman’s parents were returned to their graves on the grounds of Wayne Manor, the members of the Justice League met in the Watchtower. Batman was asked to wait outside while his teammates deliberated.

All of the members agreed that Batman keeping the contingency plans a secret was an unforgivable betrayal of trust. Even if he had cited his reasoning without the specifics of what the plans were, it is possible that most of the League would have not only been understanding but grateful to be kept in check. J’onn also brought up that he too kept files on the team in the beginning, but he was reminded that his circumstances were quite different. Bruce should know better.

Plastic Man was very angry, believing that he could have been killed, and voted for expulsion. Aquaman and Wonder Woman joined him in voting for expulsion, believing that Batman could no longer be trusted to be on the team. J’onn, Wally, and Kyle voted for Bruce to stay on the team, believing the Dark Knight had to have his reasons. Superman was left with the deciding vote. When Clark went to tell him the decision, Bats was already gone because he knew the Man of Steel would vote him out.

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John Wilson has been a comic book and pop culture fan his entire life. He has written for a number of websites on the subject over the years and is especially pleased to be at WhatCulture. John has written two comic books for Last Ember Press Studio and has recently self-published a children's book called "Blue." When not spending far too much time on the internet, John spends time with his lovely wife, Kim, their goofy dog, Tesla, and two very spoiled cats.