1. The Superior Spider-Man (Otto Octavius, Earth-616)
When the dust settled on the startling events of Amazing Spider-Man #700 and Otto Octavius stood tall as the new face (sort of) of Peter Parker as the Superior Spider-Man, there was a very mixed reaction. Before long, however, Otto's unique take on how the web-slinger should carry himself left readers wanting more. Though the return of Peter was ultimately inevitable and well-timed, the Superior Spider-Man had gathered himself a faithful following who were left wanting more. Fortunately for them, the events of Spider-Verse have proved just the cause for Otto to make his return, only this time it seems he will be acting alongside his old enemy. With two additional 'Superior' issues that took place in between an existing crossover with Spider-Man 2099 demonstrating Otto's introduction to Morlun and his family, Otto has pushed himself to the forefront of the events and is currently gathering one of two Spider-armies to fight back against their hunters. Inevitably this will all come to a head when the two groups of Spiders finally converge, and it's exciting to imagine what could happen once these two meet face-to-face. The culmination of Goblin Nation saw an interaction between Otto and Peter lead to the former's admission that he could not justify calling himself a superior hero to Peter. With the version of Otto that will be involved in Spider-Verse not having reached this point yet there is bound to be a clash of intentions when the two heroes' styles are put to the test. Peter saw plenty of how Otto operated when he was Spider-Man but could never do enough to influence his former foe to be more lenient or forgiving. Their team-up here is likely to provide a conflict that could even eclipse the battle between the Spiders and their great enemies when the time for serious action finally arrives. What part do you think these heroes will have to play over the coming weeks, and who has your favourite been to this point? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.
Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times.
Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.