Spider-Man: 10 Greatest Spider-Verse Cameos So Far

8. Spider-Ham (Peter Porker, Earth-25)

Not to be confused with Homer Simpson's famous 'Spider-Pig', Spider-Ham was a version of everyone's favourite wall-crawler from within the pages of other animal-based Marvel variants. In his original origin, Peter was a pig owned by animal scientist May Porker and it was she who was responsible for bestowing the spider powers onto Peter after biting him when irradiated by her atomic hairdryer. Peter took her surname himself after the events and having discovered he had retained spider-like abilities. In the events of Spider-Verse, it is suggested that this is an alternate version of the original Spider-Ham, as he is noted as coming from Earth-25 rather than Earth-8311. So far there has been little to suggest that his background or personality are any different from that of the original Peter Porker, but in truth that's probably not too important. The reason he makes such a good character for the Spider-Verse is that he will undoubtedly serve as great comic relief when events get too heavy or bogged down. Dan Slott writes fantastic and epic event stories, but he's smart enough to know when to dial back the despair and crank up the laughs. The quips and one-liners he writes for Peter Parker are always right on the mark but, with events likely to demand a little more seriousness from our hero, Spider-Ham will surely help keep things from getting too dark.
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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.