To this point we've seen little actual Spider-Verse content for a character that is essentially Marvel's no. 2 Spider-Man, but solicits indicate his arrival into the fray is imminent. Given the popularity of the character and previous interactions between he and our own Peter Parker it's hard not to get excited by this prospect. In 2012's crossover title, 'Spider-Men', readers were treated to the first ever crossover between Marvel's two premier Spider-Man characters. In this instance, Peter Parker was transported to the Ultimate universe inhabited by Miles Morales. Miles is, of course, his universe's Spider-Man after Peter Parker had died there in one final battle against the Green Goblin. The Spider-Men crossover was occasionally short on action, but the interplay between these two characters, as well as that of Peter with the deceased Parker's relatives and friends was an absolute triumph. Perhaps most intriguing, however, was the cliffhanger ending that occurred when Peter tried to search for Miles' counterpart back in his own universe and the unexplained shock on his face when he found him. The prospect of having Miles come to Peter's world and - fingers crossed - for this ending to be fleshed out make Miles' impending arrival in the Spider-Verse one to look out for.
Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times.
Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.