Spider-Man: 10 Greatest Spider-Verse Cameos So Far
3. Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy, Earth-65)
One of the original characters introduced into the events of Spider-Verse is this version of earth's Gwen Stacy in which she is Spider-Woman. Introduced in the pages of 'Edge of Spider-Verse #2', this version of Gwen takes up the mantle of being Spider-Woman after Peter Parker in her world is killed. This issue was immensely popular among readers and there was a call for this character to be granted her own series, which will be arriving in 2015. For now, however, we need to focus on her involvement in the Spider-Verse, and there is plenty of cause to get excited about this one. Preview pages of Amazing Spider-Man #10 already point towards Peter not knowing how to deal with this ghost from his past and her obvious confusion over this. The conflict between the Spiders and the Inheritors is bound to be one of Peter's greatest challenges, but add to this all of the personal and emotional drama that will come from seeing Gwen again and it becomes clear Peter is really going to have his work cut out to stay focused. While the involvement of Mayday Parker could see Peter try to re-connect with the estranged Mary Jane, it's difficult to imagine what he can do in the face of seeing Gwen again. There's really no one left in his life that he can turn to regarding his first love, and may have to find some catharsis by engaging with this alternate version of his old girlfriend. How this could play out between the two of them is an intriguing possibility, and could form some of the most intense emotional drama amongst the battle to save the spiders.
Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times.
Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.