Spider-Man: 10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Miles Morales

2. There Is Another Miles Morales

Spider-Man Spider-Woman

In the five-part mini-series, Spider-Men, the Peter Parker from the main universe stumbles upon the Ultimate universe and teams up with Miles Morales. The story concludes with Peter returning to his reality, wondering if there is a Miles Morales on his world. When he types the name into an Internet search engine, he was baffled by what he finds.

Absolutely nothing. Literally, NOTHING came up because the Kingpin had that name scrubbed from all internet databases. In the main Marvel universe, Miles... is Wilson Fisk's best friend. He's so devoted to Fisk, this Miles took a knife to the face to save him, leaving him horrifically scarred.

This incarnation of Miles was a criminal that gave up that life for his lover, Barbara Sanchez. He was so devastated when she died, he felt like he could never move on.

When he learned that Spider-Man was a Miles Morales from a different version of Earth, he became obsessed with travelling to a parallel Earth so he could find another Barbara Sanchez.

He has since taken on the alias Ultimatum, and has dedicated his life to accessing as many universes as possible.


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