Spider-Man: 10 Things Nobody Wants To Admit About Spider-Verse

8. Solus' Power Fluctuates Madly Through Inconsistent Encounters

Spider Verse
Marvel Comics

The addition of the Inheritors to Spider-Man's rogues gallery was a fantastic move in this event. Morlun has been a deadly and fearsome foe for years, and the news that there were essentially even more versions of him roaming the universes was a truly terrifying moment in Peter's life.

The introduction of Solus dials the fear factor up higher than ever as the Spider-Verse conflict wears on, and the power that he initially demonstrates makes him appear to be immensely superior to the already powerful Morlun. The ease with which he defeats numerous Spiders and manages to consume the life force of one of the strongest heroes in the book - Cosmic Spider-Man - proves this.

At this point, Solus is terrifying. As the events progress, however, Solus suffers a sudden and devastating defeat at the hands of Kaine's monstrous spider-like form. Obviously we know how powerful a well-motivated Kaine can be, but the ease with which he brushes Solus aside is jarring compared to the power that the villain showed a few issues earlier. From there he's confined to a crystal to preserve his life force, and is unable to have any more impact over proceedings.

Solus started with such potential but the way his power fluctuates is remarkably strange in the latter stages, making it feel as though this character won't be having a lasting effect on Peter Parker's life.

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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.