Star Wars: 10 Expanded Universe Comics Every Fan Must Read

2. Star Wars

Star Wars Jason Aaron
Marvel Comics

Of all the periods most explored in the Star Wars canon before Disney acquired the license, the gap in between Episodes III and IV felt the most worn out. Perhaps acknowledging this, the bulk of Marvel's new Star Wars titles have been set in between Episodes V and VI, with a time gap of around three years affording Marvel's writers a certain freedom to tell their own stories.

Star Wars, written first by Jason Aaron and with art initially by John Cassaday, is every bit the epic, expansive comic Marvel's flagship Star Wars title had to be. It focuses primarily on Luke, Leia and Han, and goes to great lengths to help explore how each became heroes of the Rebellion (apart from the obvious feat of, y'know, blowing up the Death Star) by the time they're all on Hoth.

By far the biggest hero of this comic, however, is Luke. It's very much the story of how Skywalker found his footing after old Ben Kenobi passed away, and that involves everything from wanting to take revenge against Vader, to understanding how the Force works.

Marvel's main Star Wars comic has been going for over 60 issues now, but if you start at the beginning, that number will feel like nothing in no time at all.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.