The X-Men Comic Marvel Fans Are Ignoring (And Why They Shouldn't)

1. It Gives Readers A Likeable Cyclops

Uncanny X-Men 2019
Marvel Comics

While many comic book fans may respect Cyclops for his fearless leadership of the X-Men over the decades, not too many actually like him as a character, with his boy scout mannerisms proving to be rather boring in a world of angsty Wolverines and charming Nightcrawlers.

This was made a tad worse by the character's actions of the past few years, having been portrayed more as a villain than a hero before his death and subsequent resurrection.

Thankfully, Rosenberg has managed to change this. The hero is like his classic self, but in a far more enjoyable way, featuring some noticeable similarities to the way in which Rosenberg writes Frank Castle on the newest volume of Punisher.

This method makes for a character more determined and driven than ever, one who will do almost anything to achieve his goals. It makes Summers seem much more badass than his default, square self, and is just the antidote for a character seemingly overlooked by X-fans.

If any book will make you like Cyclops, it's this one.

X-Men Quiz: How Well Do You Know Storm?

Storm Avengers
Marvel Comics

1. Which Phobia Does Storm Have?


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!