The X-Men Comic Marvel Fans Are Ignoring (And Why They Shouldn't)

2. The Gorgeous Art

Uncanny X-Men 2019
Marvel Comics

In the first ten issues of Uncanny X-Men the art is handled by a variety of people - all of them maintaining a very similar vibrance which makes them well-suited to the larger scale of this section of the tale.

Whether it's the colour work of Rachelle Rosenberg, who does a fantastic job at capturing the MCU-esque tone of Disassembled, or the pencils of Mahmud A. Asrar, Yildiray Cinar, Pere Perez and R.B Silva, who all craft a world which feels uniquely realistic, while still maintaining that classic comic book style, the book just looks tremendous.

From issue eleven and onwards, Salvador Larroca takes over on pencils, with Rachelle Rosenberg and then Guru-eFX providing the colour work. As you can see below, Larroca's work is similarly stunning, bringing a dark, grounded vibe to the events of the book - something which exemplifies the harsher Marvel Universe in which mutants find themselves currently.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!