Our next entry is a truly epic story from the Superman universe. Superman is sent to the 31st Century to find that the Legion of Super-Heroes have become outlaws and are being hunted down by the evil Earth-Man and a band of Legion rejects calling themselves The Justice League of Earth. The League had tarnished Supermans origin story to the people of Earth, making them believe he had merely been a human all along. Superman also discovers that the Earths Sun has become red in the 31st Century which hinders his powers due to them being charged by yellow sun rays. Superman soon discovers that there is a more sinister game at play and learns that the United Planets plan to attack Earth. With the help of the future Legion of Super-Heroes, Superman is able to regain his powers and do battle with Earth-Man. This storyline is an all out epic featuring beautifully drawn art and excellent writing from Geoff Johns. It is also an important entry into the Superman franchise as it sees the return of Absorbency Boy under his new guise of Earth-Man. The story is well worth checking out and leads into the sequel story arc of Batman and the Legion of Super-Heroes.
Recent History graduate living in Newcastle. I like to travel and experience new things, my favourite place on earth has got to be the Great Barrier Reef. To date my greatest achievements include completing the National Pokedex and mastering how to make cheesy nachos.