Venom 2: 10 Things You Need To Know About Shriek

1. She Was (Briefly) Reformed

Shriek Marvel
Marvel Studios

While it's pretty much set in stone that Shriek will be part of Venom's rogue's gallery in Venom 2, it's significantly less clear whether she will stay a villain the entire way through.

Indeed, in the 2010 Carnage series, Shriek went through some extensive therapy that appeared to be genuinely helping her, suggesting that she may be capable of some similar reformation in the sequel.

Though Barrison's obsessive references to Carnage during this time show she wasn't totally over him, her non-violent behaviour and compliance with her therapist do suggest that the mutant mind-controller was capable of positive change.

In terms of Venom 2, this does suggest that Shriek might not be the out-and-out villain that we'd initially expect her to be, as aside from her fixation on her 'family', she's not inherently all that evil.

Marvel Quiz: How Well Do You REALLY Know Venom?

Venom Todd McFarlane
Marvel Comics

1. What Year Did Venom Debut?


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