Venom 2: 10 Things You Need To Know About Shriek

2. She's Been Part Of Several Supervillain Teams

Shriek Marvel
Marvel Studios

With Venom having been established as pretty damn powerful in the first Venom film, it seems only natural that a sequel would want to amp up the firepower placed against him.

With this in mind, it is worth saying that Shriek has been part of many teams of villains - which may lead to them featuring either in Venom 2 or a potential further film down the line.

Aside from her obvious affiliation with her 'family' and the Church of the New Darkness, Shriek has also worked with the Doom Maidens and the Sinister Sixteen, both of which are massively underrated teams that would really benefit from even a brief cameo in the Venom film series.

Although including other villains right now might be a bit of a pipe dream for a franchise that is largely thought of as a joke, there's hope yet that some of Shriek's other allies might be able to pop their heads in the sequel, just for a brief moment.


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