Venom 2: 10 Things You Need To Know About Shriek

9. She Isn't A Symbiote

Shriek Marvel
Marvel Studios

While Shriek is a name that perfectly follows the trend of symbiotes having nicknames that sound like goth kids made them - as evidenced by Lasher, Riot, Scream or Agony - Frances Barrison's supervillain name is actually one that comes without an attached alien.

Shriek gets her powers not from a Klyntar alien like Carnage, but from her own mutant abilities, which appear to have manifested around the time she was a young adult. Although she can use symbiotes, as seen in the first volume of Carnage, she usually isn't the host of one, instead relying on her own abilities to fight her battles.

While it's a simple detail, it's one that's entirely worth getting into your head before you see the film, as Shriek's involvement with various symbiotes can easily cause confusion without prior knowledge of her character.


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