What Happened To All The Lantern Corps?

3. Alpha Lantern Corps

Hal Jordan Green Lantern Corps Kyle Rayner Guy Gardner John Stewart
DC Comics

The Alpha Lanterns are one of the more unconventional echelons of the Lantern Corps, in that they're essentially Green Lantern Corps who've been promoted to a position where they also police the Green Lanterns themselves.

That is, that's what they're intended to be, until Cyborg Superman takes on the Alpha Lantern position for his own means, transforming rookie Green Lanterns into cyborg Alpha Lanterns in order to have practice bodies for Ganthet to try and turn human again.

This plan eventually fails, with the Alpha Lantern Boodika destroying Cyborg Superman's mind, and allowing the Alpha Lanterns to regain full control of themselves - but the status of the role is not quite the same as it used to be.

However, with the faction being once again led by the Guardians of the Universe, the Alpha Lanterns are once again an entirely good faction of the collective Corps - which is an improvement on evil cyborg folk, at least.


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