What Happened To All The Lantern Corps?

4. Star Sapphire Corps

Hal Jordan Green Lantern Corps Kyle Rayner Guy Gardner John Stewart
DC Comics

The Star Sapphire Corps initially existed as a weird kind of club of jilted women, with the Sapphire rings being initially created to allow these women revenge on the object of their affections. This proves to be exactly as weird as you'd imagine it would be, and means that the Star Sapphire Corps tend to act via their own motivations instead of for any overarching purpose.

The Sapphire's have gotten with the times though, with men finally being majorly included in the team in 2018.

This said, it's made unclear whether the faction still even exists, as during the events of Blackest Night their main power supply is blown up, and the Green Lanterns leave the scene without any idea as to whether the love-based Corps survive - and the only sign suggesting they remain being that Carol Ferris' Sapphire powers are still functional.

Despite their incredibly weird origins, it'd be more than worth having the Sapphires play a bigger role once again in the Green Lantern comics - if only because they're the most unpredictable Corps.


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