What Happened To Everyone Who Became Heralds Of Galactus?

5. Morg

Morg Galactus
Marvel Comics

Morg - unrelated to the ever-loving rock-based Korg - is one of the more brutal of Galactus' Heralds, and one that actually inspired his former Heralds enough to unite to take him on.

Much like Terrax, Morg is a rotten piece of work. He was a public executioner, but one ostracised by his native planet after performing executions for a conquering force. Again vexed by the trend of his Heralds actually having a moral backbone (and seemingly forgetting what happened with Terrax), Galactus decides to make Morg his new Herald.

It went about as well as you'd expect, with Morg clashing against the Silver Surfer and leading to a major battle involving several of the Devourer's former Heralds. Silver Surfer, Nova, Air-Walker, Firelord and Terrax all band together to take Morg down, only for Nova to die in the ensuing confrontation.

The death of Frankie Raye - along with some council from the Surfer - leads Galactus to strip Morg of his powers. Terrax then kills him, and decides to work for Galactus briefly afterwards.

This wouldn't be the end of Morg's journey though. Galactus actually resurrected his former Herald (because obviously), after which he and several other cosmic figures were captured by a villain known as Tyrant. He eventually escapes, only to be killed by the Ultimate Nullifier later on.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.