What Happened To Everyone Who Joined The Guardians Of The Galaxy?

25. Drax The Destroyer

Guardians of the Galaxy Thing
Marvel Comics

At first glance, you might think Drax is the most changed character from page to screen of the entire MCU Guardians roster. Mostly because when people talk about comic Drax, they talk about the classic version of him, where his personality, backstory, and basic appearance is as different from the Drax we know as you can possible get. But in reality, the only real difference between comic and screen Drax is that they didn't paint Dave Bautista bright green. Because they're cowards.

While it's true that Drax's origins are pretty convoluted in that way that only classic Marvel cosmic stuff can be, shortly before the Annihilation event, Drax was rebooted in his own miniseries. Turning him from the dimwitted strongman he had spent his first decades being into a cunning assassin with a code of honor that we know today. And this has been the version of Drax most people are familiar with ever since.

With the success of the movie, Drax has remained part of the Guardians ever since. Which is good because I'm not sure where else in the Marvel universe he would fit.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?