What Happened To Everyone Who Wore A Symbiote?

5. The Guardians Of The Galaxy

Venom character
Marvel Comics

With Flash Thompson having gained the trust of Tony Stark by using Venom to do heroic deeds, Agent Venom gained a promotion that saw him acting as a liaison for The Guardians of the Galaxy, helped by the symbiote's ability to breathe in space.

What neither Stark nor Thompson could predict, however, was that being off Earth would drive the symbiote crazy. Placing Venom in closer proximity to the planet where it was created meant that it could sense the Klyntar-covered homeworld, which provoked the alien into a fury, possessing Groot, Rocket Racoon and Drax in a desperate bid to return home.

After reaching the planet, Venom separated from the Guardians and reunited with his species. The symbiote would rejoin with Flash, although the Guardians notably kept a much closer eye on Venom from this point onwards.


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