X-Men: 10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About The Phoenix

8. The Phoenix And Jean Grey Resurrect All The Time

X-Men Phoenix
Marvel Comics

Okay, this one may be down to retcons, but there is some confusion here.

A lot of people assume that Jean Grey, in her guise as the Phoenix and host of the Phoenix Force, has been resurrected several times, leading many to bemoan her as a character that will always just return in the end.

However, while it is true that Jean Grey always finds a way to return to comics pages, it's not actually always been through Phoenix resurrections.

In a complicated bit of retcon, the original Phoenix/Jean Grey was revealed to, well, not be Jean Grey at all. Now, bare with me.

When Jean's life was imperilled aboard a crashing space shuttle, the Phoenix Force lent it's aid. And while originally written as it merging with Jean herself, it was later retconned that the Phoenix Force created an exact duplicate of Jean, that thought it was Jean and the Phoenix was that duplicate. The real Jean lay healing in a cocoon beneath Jamaica Bay in New York.

So when she 'returned from the grave', technically it wasn't the case: Jean had never died, and it was the Phoenix posing as Jean that died after being manipulated and going mad as Dark Phoenix.

Technically, Jean has only actually died and looks to be resurrected once, in the upcoming Phoenix Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey.

Because comics.


Joe is a comic book writer out of South Wales, writing LGBTQ+ superhero series The Pride and also co-writing Welsh horror comedy series, Stiffs. He's also a comics reporter and reviewer who works with Bleeding Cool and now WhatCulture too. So he makes comics and talks about comics, but there's more to him too. Somewhere.