10 Best Musical Moments In 2013 Movies

5. "Gravity" - Gravity

Gravity 11 The awesome soundtrack to Alfonso Cuaron's recent space-based masterpiece Gravity will probably win an Oscar next year, thanks to composer Steven Price's odd and innovative work on the score. The music throughout the movie is both strange and bizarre in its make-up, and provides a perfect accompaniment to the action on-screen as we watch Sandra Bullock's Dr. Ryan Stone fighting for her life in the far reaches of space. You could certainly argue the movie only works because of the way the music helps to tell the story - there are very few SFX, after all. One of the reasons why the soundtrack for Gravity sounds so unique stems from the fact that Price - at Cuaron's request - attempted to distance it from other Hollywood scores by removing the percussion aspects. The film's best and most memorable musical moment, however, occurs in its last 5 minutes: as Stone re-enters the Earth's orbit, the track, titled "Gravity," builds and builds into a strange and almost primal climax, complete with moving choral accompaniment. It's a deeply satisfying scene, made beautiful as a result of how Price's score connects with the images.

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