10 Massive X-Men Villains That Could Follow Apocalypse

4. Onslaught

When Magneto went too far and nearly killed Wolverine, Professor X lost it and shut down his mind. Somehow, the most vicious parts of his consciousness imprinted on Xavier and gradually formed into the personality known as Onslaught This psionic entity with vast powers took nearly the entire Marvel Universe to stop it and may be one of the few X-Men foes that could rival Apocalypse in terms of power. If Fox want to further this global destruction theme complete with massive set pieces and an insane looking baddie, this would make him a prime candidate. From a character standpoint, Onslaught is so thrilling because of what he brings out in the heroes. Specifically Professor X, who is shown what happens when he goes too far. He starts to act as Magneto would and the results are horrifying. The potential to elicit that kind of meaning out of the main characters is exactly why Onslaught deserves a chance.

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.