Oscars 2014: 17 Unfair Snubs The Academy Got Completely Wrong

4 & 3. Blackfish & Stories We Tell €“ Best Documentary Film

The documentary field is always a weird one, and the precursor awards rarely match up with what the Academy picks, as evidenced this year by the fact that two of the year's most critically acclaimed films, whether documentary or not, were snubbed, in Blackfish and Stories We Tell. Though the widely expected The Act of Killing, The Square and 20 Feet From Stardom made the cut, these two were left out in favour of Cutie And The Boxer and Dirty Wars, acclaimed docs in their own right, but certainly not on the same scale as the aforementioned snubees. It's a difficult one to try and explain, except to say that like with the Best Foreign Film category (which curiously got it basically all right this year), it's pretty much like throwing darts at a dartboard.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.