X-Men: Apocalypse - 8 Ways The New Trailer Killed Your Anticipation

3. The CGI Looks Video Game-Like

Maybe it's wrong to judge the CGI in the latest trailer, given that trailer CGI isn't usually 100% complete, but then it's rare that you'll watch a trailer with noticeably terrible CGI and then all of a sudden it's super amazing in the finished film. Usually it stays pretty poor. It feels safe to say that the CGI in the latest X-Men trailer has a really strange, artificial look to it - almost as if it has been inspired by a video game. There's a weird "glossy" effect to all the computer-generated aspects on show, which clash awkwardly with the real actors, props and sets. Things like balls of energy and purple lightswords are always going to have a CGI feel to them no matter what, of course, because they're not real and audiences know it. But here the effects are imbued with an odd hue, making the CGI super obvious to the eye. Maybe this will change in the final edit, but - as of right now - it's all rather off-putting.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.