10 "Next Big Thing" Video Games Nobody Is Playing

8. Pokémon GO

Pokemon GO Starter Pokemon Bulbasaur Squirtle And Charmander

Remember the glorious summer of love in 2016? Everyone played Pokemon Go and nothing else mattered. Age, gender, religion, skin colour, political allegiances... they were all transcended by Pikachu.

It’s a shame that Pokemon Go is on this list, but the numbers don’t lie. The bubble of friendship was always going to burst, but the real shame is that Niantic waited until everyone had jumped ship before they implemented the new features.

Improved nearby radars, adventure sync, raid battles, raid hours, shiny legendaries, special research, special tasks, community days, Team Rocket, trading, TMs... they’ve all improved the game massively for those who stuck around. We’re up to Gen V now too, with some Galarian forms from Gen VIII added too.

In truth though, it was such an ‘of the moment’ game that it was destined to have a massive drop off. What’s more surprising is that the only game to capitalise on it since is Harry Potter, made by the same developers (although less commercially successfully).

Pokemon Go currently averages about 5 million daily players, which seems to really be stretching ‘no one’. However, at its peak the official daily play figures exceeded 50 million, which done suggesting that players in countries the game hadn’t officially released (including China and all of Africa) could kick it up to 100 million.

If that’s true, that makes for a huge 95% drop off rate.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)