10 "WTF, They Can't Do That!" Boss Fights In Video Games

8. Mr. X Sends You Back Two Levels - Streets Of Rage

sifu game

In Sega's classic beat 'em up, Axel Stone, Blaze Fielding, and Adam Hunter must make their way through eight stages before fighting the enigmatic crime lord, Mr. X.

Before getting down to business, the uncreatively named villain asks the scrappy fighters if they'd consider working for him. After rejecting his offer, the good guys face Mr. X in a final showdown.

However, things turn out very differently if Axel and his friends take Mr. X up on his offer. By agreeing to his terms, the criminal mastermind activates a booby trap, sending our heroes all the way back to Level 6.

This means the player has to go through Level 6, 7 and 8 all over again if they intend to finish the main campaign. But considering the final stage is a gauntlet against all the bosses and the player should have very few lives left at this point, it's almost impossible to win Streets of Rage after accepting Mr. X's false deal.

For this reason, most players will quit the game after being tossed back to Level 6, knowing it's futile to continue.

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