10 "WTF, They Can't Do That!" Boss Fights In Video Games

7. Shodan Distorts Your Aim - System Shock

sifu game
LookingGlass Technologies

System Shock opens with an anonymous hacker getting caught while trying to access files in a corporate space station.

When the system is taken over by an evil AI called SHODAN, the hacker realises he's the only one that can stop it from obliterating the world. Knowing SHODAN cannot be defeated physically, the accidental hero enters cyberspace to destroy the automaton's true form.

Upon entering SHODAN's domain, the sentient machine fills the screen with an image of its own face, pixel by pixel. If SHODAN fills the entire screen with its robotic mug before its health gauge is depleted, it's game over. This is tricky, since it becomes increasingly difficult to see the target as the battle progresses.

Just to make this encounter more frustrating, the cyber-god manipulates the targeting reticle, making it nearly impossible to shoot straight. With the hacker unable to see or aim, this fight is a total nightmare.

Since SHODAN is basically the Hitler version of a supercomputer, it was never going to fight fair. And yet, the hapless hacker was probably not expecting the final bout to be this one-sided.

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