10 'Next Big Thing' Video Games That Failed Miserably

9. Too Human

two human
Silicon Knights

It comes to something when not only does a potential sequel or trilogy get canned, but an entire planned franchise goes south because a first instalment is Just That Bad, but such was the case with Too Human.

Helmed by former Legacy of Kain developer Denis Dyack, Too Human was set to pair a unique sci-fi take on Norse mythology with RPG gameplay that would be immediate, fun and appealing to the masses. Think instant-action, stat trees, plenty of abilities and endless exploration in a world you cared about just by looking at it. All that stuff.

How could they possibly mess that up? Well, by tying combat controls to the right analogue stick - something non other than the Blade 2 movie tie-in also did at the time, before being a disaster in itself.

Atop this horrendous control scheme that forced you to pull off combos by repeatedly nudging the stick in the same direction were load times about as long as the average cutscene, and an un-skippable death/respawn animation that went.on.FOREVER.

I'm telling you: If you don't think something as granular as the length of time your character takes to respawn can grossly affect an entire game, you haven't played Too Human.

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Too Human
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