10 'Next Big Thing' Video Games That Failed Miserably

8. The Order: 1886

the order 1886

Remember this? Even though it's readily available now, chances are you probably haven't bothered - so off-putting and utterly turgid is The Order's spin on what should've been a phenomenal concept.

An alternate take on history where the Arthurian Knights of the Round Table take up arms and fight werewolves in London's underbelly? It practically sold itself - and did, as far as pre-orders were concerned - then reviews and hands-on impressions emerged, and turns out the game was 90% cutscene.

Bad cutscene, at that.

Linear shooting segments with zero innovation, enemies that respawned in certain spots until you got bored and ran straight through, half-asleep dialogue and in-game 'chapters' that were literally five minute cutscenes, this was Ready at Dawn's first attempt at a big triple-A release, and so far, it might end up being their last.

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