10 3D Zelda Moments That Left You Speechless

8. Tetra Is Zelda (Wind Waker)

Throughout their seafaring journey, players couldn't help but wonder, amongst all that vast ocean, where were those Hyrule locales they'd come to know and love all these years? That answer was finally given when Link ventures beneath the sea and discovers Hyrule castle, frozen in time.

The only question that now remained was the fate of the titular Zelda. Imagine everyone's surprise when they learned that Tetra, the tomboyish young pirate you’ve been seeing throughout your journey, was Princess Zelda all along, much to her own surprise as well.

In fairness, this isn’t the first time it turned out Zelda was helping Link while disguised - as evidenced by her Sheik persona from Ocarina of Time - so we should have seen this one coming. That didn’t stop us from clapping our hands to our foreheads when we realized what had happened.

And with Zelda’s Lullaby kicking in once again, it felt as if the game had come full circle and like we had finally been properly re-introduced to Hyrule on the GameCube in one amazing moment of payoff.


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