10 Best Video Game Final Bosses Of All Time

7. Vergil - Devil May Cry V

ODIN God of War Ragnarok

Few things get a DMC fan's motor running than the prospect of getting to fight Vergil again. His was the best boss fight in Devil May Cry 3, bar none, and pretty much everyone knew that there was no way he had actually died at the end of that game.

And sure enough, building on the foreshadowing of Devil May Cry 4, DMC V reveals that Vergil is Nero's father, and he's back and badder than ever.

The fight with him at the end somehow manages to be even better than his fight in 3, a feat most thought impossible. The fight is broken up into two halves: one where you fight him as Dante, and one as Nero.

This fight is everything that made the final battle in 3 so great but cranked up to 11. It's a test of your reflexes and reaction time, as Vergil hits fast and hard. It tests how well you know the Devil Trigger mechanic, as you have to pick when to use it and when to hold off. The perfect blend of heart pounding action and careful strategy.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?