10 Abysmally Terrible PS4 Video Games
7. Bravo Team
With pre-release hype touting Supermassive Games' new VR title as the hardware's answer to Rainbow Six, it was nothing short of a crushing disappointment that Bravo Team turned out to be PSVR's biggest AAA failure to date.
While one of the few games to make use of the terrific PSVR Aim controller, Bravo Team's mediocre controller tracking, ugly graphics, abundance of technical jank, and generic style made it one of the PS4's most forgettable "blockbuster" titles.
Eurogamer later released a deep dive into what went wrong throughout the game's production, which was rushed to market in just 13 months - a gargantuan task for a "flat" game, let alone one in VR.
Thankfully an effortlessly superior military VR shooter was released for the hardware a few months later in Firewall Zero Hour.
Somewhat unsurprisingly, Supermassive hasn't developed a single VR game since Bravo Team was rightly raked over the critical coals.