10 Addictive Video Games That Totally Destroyed Your Social Life

7. Dark Souls

'How long have I been trying to topple this boss for? My mind says I've only failed a few times, but my eyes and hands say otherwise.' One might think that the very nature of Dark Souls' crushing difficulty would do nothing but turn you off and force you take a break from its gloomy world after failing to kill Ornstein & Smough for the fiftieth time, but on the contrary - that's exactly why the game has undoubtedly been responsible for sleepless nights and a total lack of ability to be punctual to any social event. For every death you endure in Lordran, you slowly feel yourself inching closer and closer to a victory that you've been working toward for hours. To stop and pull out now after investing so much time would break your rhythm. Your phone is bleeping incessantly with unread text messages wondering where the hell you are, but you just need one more try, this could be it - the winning try. Inevitably, you never emerged victorious, and you either turned up wherever it was you were supposed to be hours late, or forgot about the outside world entirely.
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Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.