10 Alternate Video Game Endings That DRASTICALLY Change The Story

5. Snake Shoots A Child (Metal Gear Solid V)

the witcher 3 yennefer

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the above photo is a 1,006 word summary of the stupidity of Metal Gear Solid V's original ending.

In the released version of the game, precocious tyke Eli flies off with Metal Gear Sahelanthropus, the giant bipedal tank in the above picture. In retaliation for this act, the elite crew of battle-hardened mercenaries he stole it from resolve to... do absolutely nothing. And thus, two of the game's most important plot points - the fate of Eli and Sahelanthropus - go forever unresolved.

Unresolved, at least, for those who only bought the base game. Those who stumped up for the Collector's Edition got to find out what happened to Eli and his shiny new toy.

MGS V's Collector's Edition came with a blu-ray that detailed the events following Eli's abduction of the eponymous Metal Gear. Protagonist Venom Snake and his squad of mercs track Eli down to an island, resulting in a huge battle that ends with the destruction of Sahelanthropus, Eli contracting a deadly parasite and Snake giving the mech-stealing scamp a parting gift - a pistol with a single bullet.

This is obviously a pretty important slice of content to leave out of the actual game, but publisher Konami had already poured $80 million into MGS V's development by this point, and just wanted the game on store shelves, closure be damned.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.