10 Alternate Video Game Endings That DRASTICALLY Change The Story

4. Atton Rand's Fate (Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 2)

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The notoriously buggy, incomplete launch version of Knights of the Old Republic 2 is infamous among Star Wars fans. However, much as the evils of the Galactic Empire gave rise to the heroes of the Rebel Alliance, KOTOR 2's unfinished state set the stage for the saviours behind the legendary Restored Content mod.

This mod among mods went a long way to giving KOTOR 2 the ending the creators originally envisioned, but didn't have time to implement. By far the biggest change is that Atton Rand gets an actual conclusion to his story, rather than simply disappearing from the plot.

In the restored ending, former Jedi hunter Rand gets a shot at redemption by engaging in a duel with Darth Sion. Should Rand win against the Sith Lord, he shows up in the game's finale and escapes alongside the heroes. Lose, however, and Rand's quest for redemption ends in agonzing fashion as Sion tortures him to death.

So, if you liked Atton but weren't particularly good at KOTOR 2's clunky combat, it's probably for the best this scene got cut from release!


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.