10 Amazing Games Nobody Managed To Complete

2. Dragon Quest VIII - Journey Of The Cursed King

Level 5Level 5You never completed: The entire bestiary or alchemy list. The DQ series is a bit of a strange one in that over in the west it definitely has its share of hardcore fans that have played it to death, but in Japan it's so universally country-wide popular that they actually prevent new releases coming out on weekdays - as when DQ III came out, too many people took time off that the country essentially had one big random holiday. Sure this is based on online legend and gaming myth, but the fact remains that if you've managed to dabble in the Dragon Quest games (this one in particular as it's just been released on mobile) you'll know that Akira Toriyama's fantastic art style makes for one gorgeous-looking game that belies a really hardcore sensibility. That being in a way similar to older entry Dark Souls, DQ VIII is absolutely overflowing with things to collect, see and do. With a frankly jaw-dropping amount of items, weapons, Alchemy Pot crafting components, monsters to track and fight with (there's a whole Pokémon-lite game thrown in here too) and everything in between, if you're going for a walk down Dragon Quest lane you might want to pack a survival kit too. Sadly with it being on the sixth generation of consoles we don't have an entry for it on Raptr, but it just had to be included here as one of the most expansive RPGs of all time - so much so that finding people online who have managed to see everything this game has on offer are as mystical as the rumours around its release schedule. Stat-tracked goodness will resume asap...
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