10 Amazing Gaming Cinematics That Had Us All Hooked

9. Silent Hill

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eds1ivwq1oc As creepy and truly disturbing as the first Silent Hill game is, the intro is just as haunting. Brought to life with a folk-style melody, the opening CG movie for Silent Hill conjures up many questions from the player before they even start to play. A diverse and off-putting cast of characters are slowly introduced, all seemingly with their own agendas. It's a subversive, unusual trip down a dangerous looking road that doesn't look like it will end well, with a very dark, almost Twin Peaks vibe to it. At the time of release, no one knew what Silent Hill was all about, which gave it a huge advantage. None of the mysteries started by this intro were known, and it made its particular direction all the more interesting. Specifically, the cutting of the intro is insanely clever, creating a sort of loose narrative look into what you'll soon be playing. The song helps immensely, giving the whole intro a surreal and dream-like quality. This cutscene was the absolute best way to start the love affair that fans went on to have with the series, and Team Silent's execution is flawless.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.