10 Amazing Glitches That Made Video Games More Fun

8. Shouting Non-Stop For Shaun - Heavy Rain

gta 4 swingset glitch swing glitch
Quantic Dream

Heavy Rain is a really atmospheric game that can immerse you completely in its dark and gritty storyline... until you decide to turn it into the ultimate joke.

The Quantic Dream classic has an infamous glitch which occurs right at the epic finale of the game.

As Ethan, one of the protagonists of the game, is about to find his son Shaun and try to save him from the trap of the Origami Killer, the player has the option to make Ethan call out to his son. In and of itself, the option can add some more drama to the scene.

However, because there's a glitch which lets the player shout "SHAUN" non-stop, even during scripted events, the drama turns into a spectacular comedy bit.

With just a few clicks of the X button, you can watch as Ethan's emotional reunion with his son becomes an obnoxious stream of Shauns yelled right into Shaun's little face. What makes this even more hilarious is the fact that this glitch is an unintentional throwback to the beginning of the game, where Ethan can indefinitely shout for his son Jason at the mall.

Quite poetic, really.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.