10 Amazing Glitches That Made Video Games More Fun

7. Corrupted Blood Incident - World Of Warcraft

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Now for a glitch which became such a huge problem on the World of Warcraft servers that it attracted the attention of actual epidemiology centres.

The Corrupted Blood Incident was an epidemic of a debuff by the same name, causing players across all servers to slowly die from an incurable disease.

The debuff originated from the regional boss of Zul'Gurub, who would cast Corrupted Blood onto unsuspecting raid parties in an attempt to let them infect each other and get killed one by one. The debuff was supposed to last ten seconds or until the boss was defeated, but because some people found a way to override the ten second rule for their dying pets, Corrupted Blood found a way to spread far, far beyond Zul'Gurub.

Within a couple of days, each city in Azeroth was filled with skeletons and corpses. Of course, while it was inconvenient to lose your items' durability due to the "virus", the incident was a one-of-a-kind situation in the gaming world.

There was something quasi-magical about guilds warning each other about which places were struck by the debuff, griefers infecting other players, and the sight of every major city looking like medieval Europe during the bubonic plague.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.