All this Easter Egg hunting mostly skipped Grand Theft Auto IV, a game principally concerned with producing a convincingly grim analogue of New York City and telling the weirdly serious story of an Eastern European immigrant with a history of being involved in tragic war crimes. Even amongst all that grey dreariness there was room for some of Rockstar's trademark weird colour with Ratman, a mythical half-man half-rat creature that people have apparently bumped into whilst trawling the tunnels beneath Liberty City. The same place you see all those references to characters from the previous games, funnily enough. There were a whole host of reports of the creature in the fourth game, but there's been a fair few supposed sightings of Ratman in GTA V as well. Again he seems to appear around the homeless population of San Andreas, this time located under bridges and the like rather than throughout the sewers (with a lot of the Grand Theft Auto IV sightings probably attributable to just mistaking regular hobos in the half-light). And again, his existence is not quite provable. In GTA V a mysterious laughter can be heard down in the maintenance tunnels in downtown Los Santos, seemingly coming from behind a blocked off area. If you hang around down there for too long and try to kill a rat you will hear a swamping sound, it's like someone is trying to escape from your fired bullets...
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at