10 Amazing Video Game Moments Created By Fans

5. Street Fighter X Mega Man

Street Fighter X Mega Man

Crossover game Street Fighter X Mega Man might seem like a pure exercise in brand awareness from Capcom, but the action-platformer actually started out life as a fan game developed by Singaporean amateur dev Seow Zong Hui.

Hui was eventually able to present a prototype to a Capcom VP, who not only endorsed Hui's continued development but also assigned Capcom teams to help work on QA testing and marketing.

Better yet, when the game was finally released in late 2012, it was completely free. Though fans and critics noted its overall lack of polish, it was largely praised as a well-realised fan project, and Hui released a patch a few months later which fixed many of the initial teething problems.

For a game that could've so easily been shuttered by Capcom, it's awesome that they took Hui's hard work and gave him a huge platform for it, resulting in over a million downloads within three months of its release.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.