10 Amazing Video Game Moments Created By Fans

4. Far Cry's Tent Glitch Fix

Far Cry

Believe it or not, the original Far Cry was released way back in 2004 - oh, how time flies. Crytek's final patch for the game came out in 2006, which also introduced a most infuriating bug: enemy combatants being able to see through tents in order to fire upon the player.

Naturally, this proved massively frustrating to fans, yet because Crytek had moved onto developing Crysis, the complaints largely fell upon deaf ears.

It was left to modders, then, to patch the issue themselves, with fan FarOut creating his own hotfix which remedied the improper A.I. response.

But it wasn't until literally last month that the fix was incorporated into an official version of the game, with the GOG release finally including, per their patch notes, "a small fix to prevent AI bots from shooting through tents (thanks to FarOut for reaching out to us)."

Of course, most players have long since moved on from the original Far Cry, but it's nevertheless undeniably cathartic to see more than a decade of fan angst finally taken care of. Embarrassing it had to take so damn long, though.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.