10 AMAZING Video Games (That Are Too Damn Long)

8. God Of War: Ragnarok

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Sony Santa Monica

God of War: Ragnarok is a (mostly) electrifying follow-up to 2018's spirited reimagining of the blockbuster Sony IP, bolstered by its jaw-dropping visuals, tight combat, compelling story, and outstanding character work.

It's also a classic example of a sequel to a beloved game which needlessly expanded the play-time in the pursuit of being a bigger, better successor. 

But as thrilling and brilliantly crafted as Ragnarok is, this is also a game that ends up outstaying its welcome by at least a few hours.

2018's game could be beaten pretty comfortably in around 15 hours, but Ragnarok ends up at around 20, with several divergent chapters very obviously padding out that length. By far the most egregious offender is the infamous trip to Ironwood, but there are numerous other sections that feel like glorified side content awkwardly shoehorned into the main campaign.

In large part due to its regular switching-up of playable characters, Ragnarok lacks the taut, considered pacing of its predecessor, in turn putting a small but notable dent in its overall greatness.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.