10 AMAZING Video Games (That Are Too Damn Long)

7. Marvel's Midnight Suns

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

Marvel's Midnight Suns is a maddeningly underappreciated game that came and went without making a peep in late 2022, largely due to it releasing during an extremely stacked period.

Even for those who immediately turn their nose up at card-based games, though, Midnight Suns is a damn blast - a riotously fun and addictive superhero romp that delivers perfectly on the promises of "XCOM but Marvel" gameplay.

But developer Firaxis Games also blew far past the sweet spot where content is concerned. 

The core experience is woefully bloated out with repetitive missions and tiresome social mini-games where you're forced to hang out with your fellow heroes, enough that a brilliant 15-hour game is padded to a flabby, less-satisfying 30 hours.

Perhaps more than any other game on this list, it's painfully obvious where the cuts could be made - so much of the mandatory content should've been optional fare instead, in turn giving players the freedom to dictate how long they spend with it before reaching the end.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.