10 Amazing Western Movie Homages In Red Dead Redemption 2

8. Chapter 3 Pays Homage To A Fistful Of Dollars

Assassination Of Jesse James Red Dead Redemption 2
United Artists

It would have been a crime to not have referenced at least one film from The Dollars Trilogy, but Rockstar managed to do it in a way that both players and film fans can appreciate.

After settling down in a clearing near the town of Rhodes, the Van Der Linde Gang learns of the rivalry between the two big families in the area - the Grays and the Braithwaites. The Grays assume the role of local law enforcement while the Braithwaites get up to the shady business of running moonshine.

The gang decide to play both sides of the feud in the hope of making some serious money, which just so happens to be the synopsis for A Fistful Of Dollars. Clint Eastwood’s character, The Man With No Name, tries to turn a profit while playing both sides of the feud between the Baxter Family and the Rojo Brothers.

Although the ending turns out far better in the movie than it does in the game, credit must be given to Rockstar for basing an entire chapter off of one of the greatest Spaghetti Westerns ever made in a way that feels natural to their own game's story.


I am an open minded guy who is always up for trying new things. I love playing video games, watching and critiquing the latest films and tv shows and a big fan of football. P.S, I hope you are all doing well during these challenging times and that you have a great day.