10 Angriest Video Game Characters Of All Time

9. Lincoln Clay - Mafia III

mafia 3

Is there any surprise Lincoln Clay is one immensely pissed off individual? He served in the Vietnam War, where only he knows the kinds of travesties he witnessed and took part in. He's an African American male living in southern United States during the late 1960s. Oh, he was also betrayed, shot in the head and left to die in a burning building - that's a definite way to get someone's blood boiling to say the least.

Lincoln Clay's journey in Mafia III is no joke. From the beginning he's plotting the most effective and damaging way to take revenge on the ones who tried to kill him. He's not very subtle in his actions either, because Lincoln Clay will put the fear of god into the people he is going to kill. For instance he guts and ties a victim to a statue of Andrew Jackson and ties one to a cross and burns him alive, Lincoln Clay doesn't play.

In fact he is so angry, and has such a "I don't give a f**k" attitude most of the time, it can actually be hard at times to like him. There are times where you'll almost feel conflicted being behind him during the course of the game simply because he can act like such a bastard. But luckily for Lincoln, the people he's trying to kill just so happen to be bigger bastards than himself, so it all evens out. And even though his story may be the freshest on the list, he's still up there with the angriest of the angry.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.