10 Annoying Side-Kicks Who Almost Spoiled Great Games

1. Tingle - Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

The Legend of Zelda series is full of interesting characters, and unfortunately, it's also got its fair share of annoying ones too. Top of that list, and worthy of winning most annoying character awards is Tingle. Tingle qualifies as a side-kick thanks to him selling Link maps to make traversing the world a lot easier, but that one advantage is massively imbalanced by his negative elements. He could have been a simple, functional side-character, offering an invaluable service, but no really memorable traits on your journey towards completion of the game... but no. Instead, Nintendo decided to make him about as creepy as possible; both child-like and monstrous at the same time in his spandex, and with his alcoholic nose and as irritating as a pair of mosquito underpants. He appears throughout the game, trying to scene-steal, and clearly entertained by his own brand of gobbledygook, as well as completely unaware of his own ridiculous image. One game would have been annoying enough, but the fact that Nintendo chose to include him again in further games after Majora's Mask just felt like twisting the knife. Do you agree with our choices? Share your thoughts below...

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